Weiss, Spencer & Levin provides a unique collection service.
Weiss, Spencer & Levin provides modern collection services. Recovering your freight charges has never been so easy! Our vast knowledge of the transportation industry allows us to collect your unpaid freight bills where others have failed. Even if the company is out of business or has filed bankruptcy, our no nonsense approach is proven to be fast and effective. Simply email or fax your invoice, bill of lading and rate confirmation to get started today.
Risk Free Collections edit text
Today the trucking industry is faced with many challenges. The ever changing industry landscape coupled with the changes in the economy has made competing for available dollars from your customers while maintaining cash flow even more complex. With risk free collections no matter how much time or resources we put into your case, if we’re unable to collect there is no fee
Modern Collections
Today the trucking industry is faced with changes due to the changes in our economy, inflation that may have your industry paying slowly or not paying for your services. There is no fee if we do not recover your transportation charges. Please inquire about our fee structure at you leisure via an email or a phone call and I will talk to you personally.